Hello,As you know I have been doing a few craft shows this past year. To get my feet wet by bonding with my customers, also it doesn't hurt that I get to learn a few tips from thee old timers along the way. I am more than willing to share with everyone who is willing to listen and become an example on how to improve a situation for each event. I want to make sure that I am providing my customers the best and only the best products and display of my craft. Remember I am still learning and still growing within this business and I would just like to share a few things that I’ve learned so far or at least for this event.1. Do a weather check- this will ensure that you are prepared for any weather conditions2. You don’t have to buy something expensive to get the same results, this goes into any situation.- A tarp can be used as a side even if it’s only temporary use.3. During the rainy times don’t forget to bring plastic cover tops it will protect your tablecloths and products from getting ruined by the rain.- A tarp can also help protect your products that are not weatherproof and that can get ruined.- EX. bath bombs, we all know what happens to them once they become wet.
4. The most impressive piece of advice I had received was to make friends with veteran vendors, they will take you under they’re wings and help you improve your company for events with every event.
(I cant wait to see everyone next year!)
Event Schedule
Started March 12-13th, 2022 EST